NO MORE STINK: From the makers of Diaper Genie, the Litter Genie pail with sliding lever locks-away odors while multi-layer refill bag with odor-barrier technology prevents odors from escaping.
ELIMINATING DAILY TRIPS TO THE TRASH: The Litter Genie XL+ pail conveniently holds up to 21 days of soiled litter per one cat. Refill that comes with this pail lasts up to 4 months.
EASY, ONE-HANDED OPERATION: Quick waste disposal with our IMPROVED lever design.
USE IN 3 SIMPLE STEPS: Scoop clumps from the litter box and drop in the pail. Pull the handle to help seal in waste and odor!
A PURRFECT FIT: The pail's compact design is great for bathroom, under the kitchen sink, and home office spaces. The pail minimizes your trips to the trash!
PET PARENT MUST HAVE: Litter Genie Pails and Refills are necessities for any cat, small dog or rabbit parent! Trust the Litter Genie brand for a fresher smelling home.
COMPATIBLE WITH: Litter Genie Standard Square Refills and Jumbo refills